Information about the article




Article type: 
Original article 

Index UDK: 101 : 316 

Year, Volume, Number:
2024, Vol. 12, № 4 (48)

Pages: 128-137

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Mikhail A. Antipov
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Church History and Philosophy, Penza Theological Seminary, 4 Perekop street, Penza, 440023, Russia, 


DOI: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-4-11 


For citation:
Antipov M.A. Music as a component of the digital universe and a form of social construction of reality. Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal "Nauka. Obshchestvo. Gosudarstvo" = Electronic sci-entific journal "Science. Society. State". 2024;12(4):128–137. (In Russ.). doi:10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-4-12



Received: 16.09.2024

Accepted: 30.10.2024

Open access


Background. The Internet forms a special space of public consciousness and being – a virtual one, which forms a superstructure over the primary social reality. The content of the Internet environment, filled with ideas, values, principles, expressed in network resources, demonstrates the inter-connection and interaction of personal and collective consciousnesses and largely determines the appearance of modern society. One of the segments of the digital space of generated and transmitted meanings is music. The purpose is to consider music as an integral part of the digital universe from the standpoint of socio-phenomenological (consisting in considering social reality in the optics of phenomenology) and hermeneutic (consisting in understanding the actions of the authors) approaches using the example of foreign and domestic rock compositions. Materials and methods. The material was the songs of the group "Nautilus Pompilius" "Chained together", the group "Civil Defense" "Everything is going according to plan", the group "I.F.K." "Mea culpa". We also touched upon the work of the Nirvana group. The conceptual ideas of E. Husserl, as well as P. Berger, T. Lukman and P. Riker served as the basis for achieving the set goal. Results. The article examines the phenomenological and hermeneutic interpretation of the semantic content of music as a component of the Internet space, identifies the mechanisms of music functioning as a form of dialogue between the author and listeners, as well as points of intersection of collective and personal consciousnesses and as manifestations of intersubjectivity of social reality. Conclusions. Music as a component of the digital universe is a form of expression of the subjective experience of the authors and its translation and sedimentation in the global Internet space. On the one hand, certain attitudes and ideas are formed in the musician's mind through electronic media, and on the other, the author externalizes elements of his inner world in musical compositions, influencing society in the face of users of the global web. Being a component of the digital universe, music acquires the features of Internet media, including the network principle and the global scale of distribution.


music, the language of music, consciousness, phenomenology, objectification, media, inter-nalization and externalization, social life


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